Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Uses of Magnets

Magnetic Metal Picker

As I was researching on an unique use of magnets, I came across a picture of a machine that looked like a crane with a huge magnet attached to it.

As I read on, I learned that this machine is mainly used in two places, at landfills where rubbish are collected and at a place where old and used cars are sent to be recycled. At the landfill this machine is used to collect scrap metals among the non-metals. The magnet on this machine is strong that it can be use to lift cars and drop them into a lorry that crushes the car. These metals are then recycled.

It was interesting to note that the magnet on the crane is actually not a magnet. It is just a huge metal which becomes a magnet once the electricity flows through it. This type of magnet is called an electromagnet.

I am looking forward to the next science lesson as my teacher will go through on 'How to make a magnet' which will include the stroking method and the electricity method ! It will allow me to understand how the crane is able to perform its task.

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